Privacy Policy - Global Net


Welcome to Global Net Your trust and privacy are top priorities for us. This guide offers a snapshot of how we handle your personal data. For full details, feel free to scroll down to our detailed Privacy Notice.

Who Handles Your Data?

Global Net part of the Bunzl Group, is the guardian of your personal information, ensuring it’s processed with care and respect.

What Data Do We Collect?

We gather a range of data to provide and improve our services, including:

  • Personal Identification and Contact Details
  • Account Log Information
  • Order and Delivery Information
  • Payment Details
  • Usage and Feedback Data

Why Do We Need Your Data?

We process your data to deliver products and services you love, improve our offerings, and meet legal requirements. Our processing is based on:

  • Consent (for sending newsletters, etc.)
  • Contractual Necessity (to fulfill our agreements with you)
  • Legal Obligations (to comply with applicable laws)
  • Legitimate Interests (to improve our services)

Who Do We Share Your Data With?

We share your data with trusted partners like financial institutions, IT & Security Service Providers, and for legal reasons, always ensuring your data is protected.

International Data Transfers:

Your data might be transferred internationally within the Bunzl Group or to trusted third parties, always with stringent safeguards like the European Commission’s adequacy decisions, Standard Contractual Clauses, or other legal bases ensuring your data’s protection.


Need More Information?

Our detailed list of data processors and business partners, along with their purposes, is available for your review. If you have questions or need to exercise your rights, contact us using the information provided in the « Contact Us » section.

Keeping Your Data Safe:

 We employ robust security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. However, the safety of your data also depends on the precautions you take.

Your Rights:

You have rights regarding your personal data, including access, correction, erasure, and the right to object to or restrict processing.

If you would like to exercise your data subject rights, please use the information supplied in the Contact Us section in the Privacy Notice below.

Contact us

If you have any questions on the content of this Cookie Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us on this page : .

Updates to This Notice:

We may update this notice to reflect changes in our practices. Your continued use of our services signifies your acceptance of these changes.

Global Net


  1. Introduction

Welcome to Global Net. Your privacy is really important to us. We know that when you give us your personal information, you trust us to take good care of it. We promise to keep your information safe. This privacy notice is here to tell you how we collect, use, and protect your personal info. We want to make sure you understand everything, so you know exactly what happens to your data when you’re with us, and even after. Here, we’ll explain what we do with your information, who we might share it with, and what choices you have about your own data.


Global Net is the company responsible for processing the personal data as we describe in this privacy policy. Global Net is a part of the Bunzl Group. Bunzl is an international leader in the distribution of non-food consumables. Bunzl is active on 4 continents and is represented in 32 countries with more than 250 distribution centres and over 22000 employees (for more information please see:

Please note that in this privacy notice, we are addressing our role as a data controller. This means that we determine the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or will be, processed.

It is important that you read this notice, together with any other privacy notice we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal data about you, so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information.

If you have questions about how we process personal data, or would like to exercise your data subject rights, please use the information supplied in the Contact Us section below.


This privacy policy applies when you use Global Net’s website and the services as described in our General Terms and Conditions. 

Our website may contain links to other websites with different privacy policies. Please note that any personal information you provide on those websites will be subject to their own privacy policy

  1. why we need your data and how we use it?

To use/process your personal information, we need to have a good, lawful reason – this is what we call a « legitimate legal basis. » It’s like having a set of rules that say it’s okay for us to collect and use your data, but only in certain ways and for specific reasons. Here’s how it works.

  • When you say it’s okay (Consent): If you tell us we can use your information for something, like sending you newsletters, that’s a green light for us.
  • To fulfill our agreement with you (Contractual Necessity): When you buy something from us or sign up for a service, we need to use your information to deliver what you’ve asked for. This could be sending your purchase to you or providing access to a service.
  • Because the law requires it (Legal Obligation): Sometimes, we’re required by law to use your data in certain ways, such as for keeping financial records or complying with legal requests.
  • When we have a good reason (Legitimate Interests): If we have a fair and necessary reason to use your data, like to improve our services or to ensure our website is secure, we might go ahead. We balance our interests with your rights to ensure your privacy isn’t unfairly impacted.

For every piece of personal information we collect and use, we have a clear reason – purpose – for doing so. It’s like each time we ask for your data, we need to tell you exactly why we need it and what we’re going to do with it. This makes sure that we’re always transparent with you and that we use your information responsibly.

But that’s not all. Along with telling you why we’re using your data (the purpose), we also need to make sure we have a legal right to do it (the legal basis). It’s like having both the reason and the permission to use your data in certain ways.

In the table below, we break down exactly what data we may use, what we’re doing with your data and why, along with the legal basis for each activity. This way, everything is clear and transparent, and you can feel confident knowing exactly how and why your information is being used.


Data Categories

Legal Basis

Account Creation


To create a personal account for you on our platform. This allows you to access various services and features we offer, personalize your experience, and manage your preferences and settings.

·         Personal Identification Data

·         Contact Details

·         Payment Information

·         Account Log Information

To fulfill our agreement with you (Contractual Necessity):

To Process and Deliver Your Orders


We use your personal data to process, deliver and communicate with you about orders. For example, we use your delivery address to plan and carry out delivery. We also ensure that our delivery drivers know if they need to collect a package from you, or if there was a problem with the last order. We may also use your information to contact you if there is a problem with your order. Finally, we use the contents of your order to purchase the right products and ensure that they are packed and prepared on time.

·         Personal Identification Data

·         Contact Details

·         Order and Delivery Information

To fulfill our agreement with you (Contractual Necessity):

Customer Service


Our customer service is always ready to answer your questions and feedback. We use your personal data to provide you with good service. For example, we use your Account information to communicate with you and we look at your Order and delivery information to resolve any problems. We also use this information to improve our services. For example, if we notice that multiple complaints have been received about a specific problem, we will do our utmost to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.


We also automatically sort Communications and feedback we receive from customers by subject and content. This way we can handle the most urgent complaints first and call on employees with the right knowledge to help you.


·         Personal Identification Data

·         Contact Details

·         Payment Information

·         Order and Delivery Information

·         Communication and Feedback

To fulfill our agreement with you (Contractual Necessity):


When we have a good reason (Legitimate Interests) to improve our services

To Process Payments


We use your personal data to process and verify payments. For this purpose, we work with payment service providers who ensure that this is done securely and who comply with the international PCI security standard.

·         Personal Identification Data

·         Payment Information

·         Order and Delivery Information

·         Contact Details


To fulfill our agreement with you (Contractual Necessity):


To prevent fraud and abuse


We hope it never happens, but unfortunately, sometimes we have to deal with fraud. We use your personal data to prevent fraud and use of our services in violation of the general terms and conditions. For example, we check whether the payment details provided are correct and we cannot offer payment by direct debit for transactions and customers experience an increased risk of fraud

·         Personal Identification Data

·         Payment Information

·         Order and Delivery Information

·         Contact Details

·         Usage Data

·         Communication and Feedback

Legitimate interest to detect and prevent fraud

To show you and others advertisements


We would like to show our customers and potential new customers online advertisements. We use your personal data for this purpose. We collect this data, among other things, by placing cookies. For more information about our use of cookies, please check our Cookie Policy.

We share this information to show you and others relevant advertisements on other websites. In addition, the advertising networks can use this information to find other potential Global Net  customers and also show them advertisements if they have given permission for this. We also use this information to measure how effective our advertising campaigns are and to identify which advertisements you may have previously seen from us. In addition, these third parties can use your data to show you targeted advertisements based on the data they collect. 

·         Information about browser and device

·         Advertising Data

·         Usage Data

When you say it’s okay (Consent)



Our newsletters are designed to keep you up to date with the latest news, updates, and offers from our company. By subscribing to our newsletter, you allow us to send you information we think you’ll find interesting and beneficial, directly to your inbox. This includes details about new products, special promotions, and insights into our company’s latest developments.

·         Personal Identification Data

·         Contact Details


When you say it’s okay (Consent)

For market and product research


We regularly conduct research into how our products are liked. We measure at an aggregate level which products are popular in certain regions or with certain customer segments. Based on this research, we improve our product offering and try to predict product demand so that we purchase enough, but not too many products. This research is aimed at finding general trends and making general predictions.


We may use this data to train our data models and improve their performance.

·         Order and delivery details


Legitimate interest

To comply with legal obligations


In certain cases, we collect and use your personal data to comply with a legal obligation, or to establish a legal claim, or to defend against a legal claim. For example, we have the obligation to retain certain personal data under tax legislation.


In some cases, we have a legitimate interest to use personal data in connection with a legal obligation or a legal claim, for example in the case of a product recall.

·         Personal Identification Data

·         Contact Details

·         Account Log Information

·         Order and Delivery Information

·         Payment Information

·         Communication and Feedback

·         Usage Data

·         Advertising Information

·         Information about browser and device

Because the law requires it (Legal Obligation)


Legitimate interest

  1. how do we share data with others?

We want you to know that your personal data is in safe hands with us. There are times when we need to share your information with other trusted parties to provide you with our services or to meet our legal obligations. But don’t worry, we’re very selective about who we share your data with and ensure it’s always protected.

Here’s a quick look at who might need access to your data and why:

  • Financial and Legal Partners: This includes banks, insurance companies, and our advisors in financial, tax, legal, and accounting matters. They help us manage our business responsibly and securely.
  • Training and Development Experts: Sometimes, we work with specialists to enhance our team’s skills and services, which means sharing information to tailor training programs.
  • IT & Security Service Providers: These are the tech wizards who keep our systems running smoothly and safely. Sharing data with them means you get a better, more secure experience.
  • Corporate Changes: If we’re involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale, data might be transferred as part of the business assets, but we’ll always keep you in the loop.
  • Distribution Partners: To ensure the products you order reach you quickly and safely, we share necessary details with our distribution partners. This collaboration helps us streamline the delivery process, making sure your products are on their way to you without any hitches.

And, of course, if the law or public safety requires it, we might need to share information with public authorities or governments. But even then, we’ll only share what’s absolutely necessary.

Your trust is important to us, so we promise never to sell your personal data or use it for anything like cross-context behavioral advertising. Your privacy is our priority, and we’re here to keep your data safe while providing you with our best services.

  1. International Data Transfer

Due to our company’s multinational nature, the data we process about you may be transferred to or accessed by BUNZL, our affiliates, and trusted third parties from different countries around the world. Your personal data may be moved to a country other than where you live if it’s needed for the purposes we’ve mentioned in this Privacy Notice. We’re serious about protecting your rights during these transfers. That’s why we only send your personal data to places where:

We make these international transfers to continue providing you with the best possible services, no matter where you or we are in the world. You may find the countries we may transfer your data, in appendix 2.


We will store your personal data as long as is necessary for the purposes named in this Privacy Notice, especially for the fulfilment of our contractual and legal obligations. We may also store your personal data for other purposes if or as long as the law allows us to store it for particular purposes, including for defense against legal claims.

If you close your customer account, we will delete all the data we have stored regarding you. If it is not possible or necessary to completely delete your data for legal reasons, the relevant data will be blocked for further processing.

What does blocking mean?

If data is blocked, restriction of access rights and other technical and organizational measures are used to ensure that only a few employees can access the relevant data. These employees may also only use the blocked data for the above purposes (e.g. for submission to the tax office in the event of a tax audit).

Blocking will occur, for example, in the following cases:

  • Your order and payment details and perhaps other details are generally subject to various legal retention obligations, The law obliges us to retain this data for tax audits and financial audits for strictly specified periods of time. Only then can we finally delete the relevant data.
  • Even if your data is not subject to any legal retention obligation, we may refrain in the cases allowed by the law from immediate deletion and instead carry out initial blocking. This applies especially in cases where we may need the relevant data for further contractual processing or prosecution or legal defense (e.g. in the event of complaints). The decisive criterion for the duration of the blocking is then the legal limitation period. After the relevant limitation periods expire, the relevant data will finally be deleted.

Your privacy and the security of your personal data are of utmost importance to us. We’re committed to protecting the information you share with us. To do this, we’ve put in place a variety of security measures aimed at preventing your personal data from being lost, misused, accessed without permission, changed, or disclosed.

Here’s what we do to keep your data safe:

  • Robust Security Practices: We use state-of-the-art security measures to ensure your data is handled securely.
  • Limited Access: Only staff, agents, and contractors who really need to know your information for business reasons can access it. They’re all trained in data protection and understand the importance of keeping your information secure.
  • Ongoing Vigilance: We continuously monitor and update our security practices to tackle new and evolving threats.

We want to remind you, though, that no system is 100% secure. While we do everything we can to protect your data on our end, there’s always a risk when data travels over the internet. We encourage you to be mindful of this and take your own precautions to protect your information online. Unfortunately, we can’t be responsible for any data breaches that happen outside of our control.

Remember, your security is a team effort. If you have any questions about how you can help keep your data safe, or if you want to learn more about our security measures, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Your peace of mind is our priority.

  1. your rights

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal information (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.
  • Request correction of the personal information that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.
  • Request erasure of your personal information. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal information where there is no good reason for us to continue to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal information where you have exercised your right to object to processing (see below).
  • Object to processing of your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground. You also have the right to object when we are processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal information. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal information about you, for example, if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.
  • Request the transfer of your personal information to another party.
  • Right to human intervention. If the personal data is being used to make automated decisions about you as the data subject (e.g., profiling), you have the right to be told what logic the system uses to make those decisions and to be able to request human intervention to override any such automated decisions.

If you submit a data subject request, we will respond within 30 days, unless the complexity or volume of requests necessitates an extension. In such cases, we may extend our response time by up to two additional months and will notify you of this extension and the reasons for it within the initial 30-day period.

If you want to review, verify, correct or request erasure of your personal information, object to the processing of your personal data, or request that we transfer a copy of your personal information to another party, please contact us.

Please note that some of these rights are subject to certain limitations or exceptions. Any requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal information (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with the request in such circumstances.

  1. how to contact us?

If you have any questions or concerns about the processing of your data or the content of this Privacy Notice, please do not hesitate to contact us :

  1. Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

If you have any complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us at the link indicated in the previous section.

  1. Changes to this Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to update and modify this Privacy Notice to ensure that it accurately reflects changes in our practices and our processing of your personal data.

It is important that the information we hold is accurate and up to date. Please keep us informed of any changes to your information that may occur during the recruitment process.